Mary Jo Buttafuoco has blasted Amy Fisher for making money off the sick things she did..like shooting Mary Joe in the head. Amy says: "Mary Jo is a nonentity. People are angry at me because I'm a millionaire. But guess what? So is Mary Jo! She made more millions off of what I did than what I made. I feel no sympathy for Mary Jo the multimillionaire! The fact that Mary Jo has a bullet in her head means nothing! I still have silicone in my boobs, and you don't hear me complaining. She can't feel her bullet, and I can't feel my silicone."
Listen up, crazy bitch, getting your boobs done is elective, getting your face destroyed by a bullet..not so much. Jesus!
Listen up, crazy bitch, getting your boobs done is elective, getting your face destroyed by a bullet..not so much. Jesus!
I can't believe this shit. Make her die.
i am sure mary jo would give back her millions to not have that bullet in her face....
Millionaires? Millionaires? How in the f'g hell are those 2 dumbass bitches millionaires?
What a totally heartless bitch of a monster she is. She seems utterly void of feeling and compassion. People like her scare me.
what an ugly whore. & believe me Mary Jo wouldn't be a millionaire if she didn't have that bullet in her head, so I think she likes the bullet, thank you very much & Amy knows this. They are both useless. Don't even get me started on Joey, isn't he in prison???? I'm having trouble paying my damn heat bills & she's a millionaire because she tried to murder someone? Gawd! Give me a break. So, now do we all quit working & go out & attempt murder???? Works for them!!! Jeez, only in America folks!
every single word shows that this bad excuse of a human being should have stayed in jail.
She is a psycho. She will (try to) kill again.
i worry about amy fisher's kids...
Why does Amy Fisher have no wrinkles
Hahahaha you crack me up DD!
because Amy was 12 when she tried to kill MaryJo so she's been in the news for this her entire life!!!! I exaggerate, but it seems like that to me. She was outta the spotlight for a long time, thank god, but now she's out pimping her porn tape, so here we go again. More jillions for you Amy! Here ya' go! Her kids are probably fine. Don't worry about her kids. They are rich, spoiled brats, I'm sure. How come Tanya Harding isn't rich???
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