Saturday, February 16, 2008

Strange faces

Madonna just had some work done, she looks strange. I'm not knocking her, she looks okay for an old lady, and I'd have some work done too if I had her money, but, don't the cheek "balls" look odd? Like they're in the wrong place or too big.
The Blow, who's looking older than Madge lately, has been sporting an orange moustache. That Hollyweird tanning shit has got to stop.


Anonymous said...

Lohan's having sex with Elliot Mintz.

Anonymous said...

Madonna does look creep... Me no likey.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Madonna but she used to be an example of good age-corrective plastic surgery. Not any more, I guess...
Blow's "tan" looks like poo. And that dumbfuck is paying good money to look like that.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand the fake tan thing, never did. It just doesnt look good on anybody and shes a burnt orange for petes sake.

As for madonna, whatever happened to ageing gracefully? Shes old enough to be wrinkled and lined up the wazoo! Just deal with it instead of pulling your face tight like chicken skin.

That make up and spidery lashes doesnt help anything.

Anonymous said...

M'donna is NOT a natural beauty. If you go to all the trouble to spider-up the lashes, go for the foundation as well....durrrr
Blow's turning into a pointy-nosed old barwhore. Soften it up, okeay?


Major Majormajor said...

And to think... people spend good money to look like THAT ?!

Anonymous said...

how many times do i have to tell her??? U don't put tanner on the upper lip!! Gawd!! Madonna is my age. I don't look my age either. I would have a neck lift done if I had the money but not for a few years yet. Her cheekbones do look funny. I suppose those things pull her skin tighter. She wants to look like michelle phifer! Only w/o the nice teeth. Madonna has never done a thing for me. NEVER!

Anonymous said...

Blow has looked aweful for some time now, she has really aged, I always thought she was ugly but could fix up nicely, Not anymore, Madonna is almost 50 years old I think she looks good for her age.

Anonymous said...

I really wish Lohan would just accept the fact that she is a pale freckly and stay out of the sun, out of the tanning booth, and away from the fake tan.
Maybe a nice dark cave somewhere...