Friday, February 15, 2008

Trya is a giant A-Hole

I told you Tyra Banks is an asshole..HERE. There's been way too many people with these same kinds of stories about Tyra to ignore.


Anonymous said...

is there a pix of jodi hughes anywhere??? i went to high school with a jodi hughes....

Anonymous said...

not here....took alot of internets digging...

pix here in case anyone was interested...

Anonymous said...

i meant, not her...d'oh! long day...

Anonymous said...

I've read other stories like this from her guests too...But I would think she was an asshole regardless, just the tone of voice she uses is so condescending and obnoxious.

Anonymous said...

Is the show being sued?

Anonymous said...

Giant shit-leaking a-hole.

I remember that Rosie O' was voted the most annoying tv personality last year or something like that. Come on! She is not half as annoying as Tyra.