When you and Heidi got together for the Swimsuit shoot, the atmosphere seemed … "Hot! Yeah, she’s a wildcat. Pretty much every shot came down to one of us trying to get the other’s pants off. The one where I’m biting her — can I say A-S-S? — that was one of the craziest moments. She told me, ‘You need to just bite my ass.’ I was kind of mimicking, half-doing it, so she stopped and said, ‘No! Really bite it!’ It was one of the most surreal moments in my entertainment life. "
*How did Mrs. Ferrell feel about that? "My wife is incredibly accepting of all these things. She just rolled with it. She came by the shoot and walked in right at the moment when I was biting Heidi’s butt. Heidi felt slightly self-conscious for a second — and then she went right back into it."*
I have no idea why it's even intersesting, but, it is. Will has some movie coming out called "Semi-Pro" and I have no idea what Heidi's doing......when someone says the word "sports" I get blank eyed and gasp for air like some fish that landed on the bank and can't flop itself back to the water. When I hear Heidi Klum I go..Ohhhhhh, what's she wearing?? Hmm..not much. I guess that's the way Sports Illustrated likes it.
I love both of them. I can't wait to see Semi-Pro. I love any movie Will is in. I think they would be fun to hang out with.
Caesy J.
Will is a gas! Just straight-up FUN!!! Always. Heidi is cool. I do watch Project Runway! I love it!!! I have watched it faithfully since season 1! But w/o Tim Gunn, I don't think I'd be watching. I was glad he came back & I hope he got the bucks he wanted! He deserves it. He is the heart of that show. Will cracks me up. Go to YouTube & watch his "Landlord" vid. It kills me. Actually it's on his own site now, Funny or Die.
Dontcha love Wils outfit? WTH is that? He kills me!!
I swear to God, at first glance I thought Heidi was bottomless! (g)
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