I heard Waitress is nominated for best screenplay at the Spirit Awards, it's such a nice movie. It's got Oscar buzz. I knew that the writer had been murdered last November and sadly, would never see the awards...but, I didn't realize the writer, Adrienne Shelly was IN the movie (I'm slow, okay?) She played one of the other waitress's...Keri Russell was the main charactor. Shelly also directed the film.
When I saw the director/writers photo, I knew who she was and I felt so outraged. This young, beautiful, talented woman was stopped by some maniac before she could even get started.
Adrienne Shelly was found November 1st, hanging naked in her bathroom, from the shower rod, murdered by a construction worker, who tried to make it look like a suicide. Construction worker, Diego Pillco was arrested and he pleaded guilty this month on Valentines Day. He said he was mad at her for complaining about the noise he made below her apartment and he was "having a really bad day."
The crappy people downstairs..damn!
The crappy people downstairs..damn!
This is tragic and after I saw this movie I did a lot of internet research on the murder. It's important to note that her killer was living here as an illegal and that at the time of the murder he tried to BLAME her!!!
OMG!!! I love this movie. I had no idea this wonderful woman was murdered!!! And she was so cute in it! Did you know at the end of the movie when Kerry Russell appears to be walking into the happy sunset with her little girl that the little girl is actually the writers little girl? This movie was amazing. I hate that this happened! I didn't know. How did I not know? I read my blogs. When was she killed? I hope this guy burns for this. Holy shit! I hate him. She was amazing and she finally gives in & actually likes the guy that has a crush on her. Cutest movie. This really upsets me.
How does anything else matter in Hollywood when shit like this happens? Who cares if LL is a whore, or Paris is stripping again or where Madonnas kids shop? I mean thats all just bullshit. Life is what matters. This woman mattered. Yet, I am just hearing about this? Thats awful. God bless her heart. What an awful way to die. OMG! I want to do something awful to this murderer. They need to show the convicts in his prison this movie & then somebody needs to get the word out about him, then just let nature take it's course. He won't last long.
OK...I see when she was killed DD. Sorry. I was just so upset.
This was November 2006!
This really saddens me. I loved that film-- thought it was one of the best of '07-- but I'd never heard of the murder either. I don't know how I missed the news.
What a horror... being murdered by a neighbor because he thought you complained too much?! And as if being murdered isn't bad enough-- the fuckface tried to make it look like suicide?!? Unbelievable.
I'm tellin' ya, I don't care what anyone says-- society has changed. If I'm home alone I don't open my door to ANYONE (other than the police) I haven't specifically invited.
I doubt it's going to save my life from an intruder who's intent on gaining entry... but it makes me feel safer.
OMG! A neighbor complaining & your having a bad day (in spanish) so you kill them? WTH???? & in NYC it had to be some pretty loud noise to make her say anything or was going on for several days. I can't imagine her poor husband coming home & finding her hanging from the shower rod. Thats unimaginable. Her youngest daughter was in the final scene of Waitress, as Keri Russels daughter. I love that movie & now even more so.
She was in the Hal Hartley movie "Trust" with Martin Donovan, many moons ago.
Yes, it's been awhile since she was murdered, but, the killer was just convicted this month.
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