Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Blog fight!!!

This is...uncomfortable. Hollywood Tuna has accused Egotastic of stealing their stuff. Egotastic responded. Oh, please guys! All blogs rip off other blogs for photos and all news sources are someone else's sources. You guys run tit and ass sites. Side boob (cousin of nip slip) is all negotiable. It's your thoughts that matter. Can't we all just get along? Oh, and I just stole your pictures.

Note: I don't know who's right or wrong here, but, I think it's over photos. Both crabbie and I have found sites where they've stolen our text and tried to pass it off as their own. Now THAT sucks. We didn't let them get away with it.


Anonymous said...

Do you and Crabby share a lawyer or just tag team those bastards?

Anonymous said...

Do you and Crabby share a lawyer or just tag team those bastards?

Anonymous said...

Egotastic ripping off Hollywood Tuna...that's like Paris ripping off Lindsay. Retarded is retarded.

Dirty Disher said...

LMAO! Now you surprised the hell outta me.

Jess said...

Oh my god, that's lame! "Kristen Bell's Cleavage is Unforgettable"...b/c she was at an Alzheimer's convention huh huh huh, get it? Hardehar! I wouldn't be admitting to that shit at all, much less claiming it's some great piece that should never be ripped off! Geez, it's just boobs! It's not like it's the fucking cure for cancer or something!

Anonymous said...

who tried to steal your text?? that's fucked up!

ya put a hex on 'em?

Jess said...

Is it actual bloggers, or something like this? Check it out:

Ripped off from:

Word-for-word. Even stole my little rinky dink pic I made in Paint. But didn't cite, didn't source, and there's no way to contact them. Shit like that's annoying! I think it's just some kind of spam that's running off of AdSense. Lame.

Anonymous said...

i don't look at either of those blogs but pigez hilton steals , a lot!