The courts have ruled the Jamie Spears is still going to be his daughters conservator and now he has the right to take $2,500 a week from Britney's accounts, along with a leased car. SO? I imagine it's quite a job to watchdog Britney's ass and he deserves every dime. That's what she spends at Starbucks every week, and Jamie's been doing a great job. She's not making an ass of herself every minute since he moved in with her and she's seeing her kids again. You stay right there, Dad, I like you.
Oh, I see where she gets that spilling on your shirt thing, it's inherited. That's okay. The mansion has a laundry room.
with the improvements he has made in her personal life, he deserves alot more than that! good for him. Obviously he is the right man in her life. Not all those other freeloading losers!!!
Ya that's not too much for having to be with or oversee an adult every moment of the day and night.
I don't know why she's smiling in that photo (hopefully not because of the paps), but just seeing her smile like that is a pleasant change.
I agree, I think her dad is doing an amazing job getting her back on track. But I definately still don't like her mother. I think she is money hungry. But good for Jamie, and for Britney. I am really rooting for her.
right with all of you here. Nothing wrong with it. Actually it says he is entitled to take this - doesn't mean he has or will.
Its the same as an executive of a will - they can take a portion for doing the work - some do, some don't.
I think he is doing the hardest job of his life right now - good for him.
He has probably has put his own life on hold and may not be pulling in much income from other sources. He's got bills to pay too, he may still be paying child support on Jamie Lynn.He has to/needs to stay with Brit, she can do this for him. He's saving her life. She won't even miss it. & thats not hardly any money when you think about it. Not for her.
$120,000 / year for saving Britney's life, her relationship with her children and (possibly) her career, vs 50 MILLION for Lufti ruining all of the above? I think this is a better deal.
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