Sheryl Crow WILL be fucking up an icon. "I don't want to make any official announcements, but I will say that we definitely have plans for collaborating in the future, and we'll see what happens," Crow told the AOL music site Spinner.
Great, it will be just like the 70's again. Stevie Nicks will go back to hiding and sleeping in her closet and Sheryl Crone will steal her breathy voice, diaphanous skirts, magic wand, and all her lyrics. Pass the bong.
i love fleetwood mac, but with crow?? ACK! i'll go hide too!!!
i bet she'll fuck with their lyrics too...
"don't stop using one square of toilet paper"
"you can ride away lance"
When I was stationed in Camp Pendleton I went to L.A. with some buddies. We ran into Stevie Nicks at a club and she was approachable, sweet and friendly to the point that she danced with us for about an hour. I always liked Fleetwood Mac, I hope Sheryl doesn't make it about her instead of the other way around.
I'm not a big Crow fan to begin with, no doubt she will make it seem as if she's reinventing the wheel.
wow....fm mentioned on dd.............just made my day
:) :) :) :)
NOOOOOO!!!!!! Mick. puleeezz don't let this happen!!!
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