John Mayer says he carries a bottle of Xanax with him everywhere he goes because..
"There are these incidental kinds of loopholes in my brain, where the wires can cross for a second and the hard drive crashes."
He added, "You can create dark neighborhoods in your mind as easily as you can create rural wonderlands."
Are you kidding me, Mayer? If you slept with this guy would he spout "I have created a misty stream fed lake in your bucolic underground netherworld." ??? Yeah, and I'm still sleeping in the wet spot, bitch.
this guy is soooo full of sh**!!! It's his way, he loves to annoy. He gets a kick out of it. He is such a smart a**. He thinks we find him mysterious and that his wisdom is worthy of our time to read it. He is just another self-lover out in fake-out Hollywood. It's ALL B.S.!! That whole town & the music,TV & film industry Period.
I love his mouth, thats all.
He's the orig MINDFREAK. When you're confused and amused, he's tickled.
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