Okay, since I have free cable I've caught up with Girls Next Door and I now know them apart. You guys were right...Holly is a nice girl. A bit self obsessed, but, not evil and it's clear to me she loves that old man for more than his money. Bridget is tolerable..no genius, but, likable.
Now we get to Kendra. That horse faced slag is so intolerable I could puke looking at her. She is butt fuck ugly and no amount of makeup piled on her zits will change that. Only massive photo shop saves her. She hates Hef and almost vomits when he kisses her. I think that's called occupational hazard for whores. And on top of all that, she's dumb as dirt. I have never seen anyone so brain dead. Last night she was flashing people on a train and said "I made their..lives." Yeah, because no one dumb enough to work construction has ever seen an inflated tit until you came along. Stupid bitch. Hef needs to send her back to whatever gawdamn backwoods cousin marryin' trailer park she came from with a roller skate up her moronic ass. She makes me want to kick my TV in and move to Guam.
Love Holly & Bridget. Kendra is kinna annoying because she's still just a kid. Her laugh is a killer. I wanna scream when she laughs. Have you figured out yet that kendra's mom wants to be kendra? It's sickening. Holly is a great person and truly does want Hef's baby. I hope she can get there. Better hurry!! Isn't it weird, these girls give up dating to live with him & he has gotten down to just 1 girl, that he sleeps with now, so what do they do? I mean they cannot date obviously & they are young & anybody would date them. It's just weird. Like they are kinda giving up their best years & it's not gonna go anywhere.
PS: Is that hair dye on Hef's neck? Big whoops there! Thats alot!
I don't see Kendra as dumb she has other projects in line for when her time is up being part of the kept girls and that's coming soon. Holly on the other hand is Stupid she also 30 and desperate to get married to Hef and seal the deal by getting pregnant is pathetic she does not want to work and be independent so boinking a man as old as to be her grandfather is the only thing she sees she can do.
Holly is the most pathetic and desperate of them all
anoy 12:14
I don't see hair dye that's just old man liver spotted skin I see.
DD you nailed it, I dont like Kendra either, she is dumb and I turn the channel when she comes on. Her voice gets on my nerves.
I like Bridgette!
Amen sister! I agree with you 100% on this one!
Kendra is not fallen far from the tree. I saw an episode once, The girls & Hef visited Kendra's mom. Kendra's mom was trying to convince Hef to add her as one of his girlfriends & come live in the mansion with them. Her mom actually wanted to whore herself right along side her daughter!! Tag team Hef, You blow, i'll suck kinda relationship. P.S. when they were visiting at the mom's house, mom prepared lunch for them, It was soo CRAP, Fried chicken, boiled eggs platter, some kind of tater tot casserole (if I recall) A Jello masterpiece w/ twinkies dessert. It was just SUPER classy!!!
kendra is a dyke and that's why she hates kissing her boss.
and yes! the bitch wears a ton of bondo to cover up the pot holes on her face!
Holly is very beautiful but puhaleeeeeze! she's only kissing that old man for his money! Holly is a whore!
Bridget is just a silly bimbo.
Holly has had a major amount of plastic surgery on her face, if I can find the link, I will post it today, but that girl was hommmmelyy to say the least. Brigitte always looks like shes sniffing something rotten, kinda has her nostrils turned up like shes saying peeee-uuuu ! Kendra is a nasty whore who is not only bi, but prefers black men.
I don't understand why anyone would want to have a baby with a man that probably won't be around to see the kid enter the third grade much less graduate....oh yeah...I forgot! THE MONEY!! Everytime Kendra has to give "daddy" a kiss, she does look like she wants to puke, I would too. Nasty old fuck that he is. Bridgette is the nobody of the bunch, you don't see much out of her, probably all the air between the ears. Holly probably does love Hef in some twisted way, but come on people....those girls aren't giving up anything to be with the bag of bones in a smoking jacket. They don't spend a lot of time with him, they are too busy "making a name" for themselves. If you can call it that. Kendra has made investments, so she has taken care of herself. But that laugh does make me want plug my ears with cement. Look up gold digger in the dictionary, you'll find pictures of these plastic people. They've all had more plastic surgery than Priscilla Presley...but that's another story.
dd - i agree with you on the lack of brains on kendra. however, i gotta stick up for my town, as kendra is not from any backwoods trailer park as one might think, she's actually from: san diego, ca.
they are all smart hello they have his money and the fame holly works for the mag and bridgette actually as gone to school on hef with degrees at that. this was shown on the first 2 seasons as far as kendra you have to have someone that is funny they are all have very different personalitys and hef is said thats what he likes. oh yeah as far as mexican food if you lived here in so cal you would love it thats pretty much what we have here =]and not everyone that lives in cali is blond and has a spray tan and a pair of bolt ons just so ya now
Holly is as fake as a Barbie doll. She is a smart whore, trying to get a bun in the oven ASAP to get some of Hef's money. Bridget - who the fuck is Bridget? Some background bimbo. She enjoys the little bit attention she gets and fills her bank account slowly but steady for the time after Hef.
Kendra. Kendra is young. She isn't the smartest knife in the drawer but at least she isn't half as fake as Holly. She gets more attention than Bridget, which makes her flaws stand out more.
If I had to choose between them, I would pick Kendra. After removing all the silicone.
hef paid for kendras moms rhinoplasty too .. and good heavens that woman had a beak on her !!!!!!!!!!!!
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