Thursday, March 20, 2008

Heigl too busy for church

Katherine Heigl: She says, "I still love the theology of the Mormon religion and I think it is a wonderful way to grow up. But I think any real commitment to religion takes time, effort and energy. I just got really lazy and it's hard to get yourself up on a Sunday morning."
Piss. The Mormons wake me up on Sundays..why can't they wake her up?


Anonymous said...

You sure you aren't thinking of the JW's???

Dirty Disher said...

Them too, but, the Mormons are nicer. I got the Mormons to move my couch once. I HATE the JW's.

Anonymous said...

Why u hate them? Do they come knocking before 7 a.m.?

Anonymous said...

too much eyeliner & needs braces. OK, when I was 10 one of those traveling young Mormom guys was at our house with his colleague..w/e..anyway, he was coming over all the time because my mom was into it,and she would always feed them!!! Anyway, he was such a perv, he would always try to kiss me. I was 10!!!!! F'g pervs!!! It scared me to death at the time, now I would just kick the shit outta him, but he wouldn't let up, I don't think I told anybody of course. That was a different time. Why are bible thumpers, Book Of Mormom thumpers w/e, always pervs???

Anonymous said...

*Mormon* sorry guys! I goofed 2x!!

Dirty Disher said...

I despise the Jesus sellers. You can not sell Jesus door to door. You can not force people to believe as you do. It should be illegal and punishable by a life term.

Anonymous said...

as a lifelong Utard, I know the mormons go to church all day on Sunday, in shifts, maybe because there are so many of them here.....but they have an afternoon shift here though

Anonymous said...

JW's boast the highest new membership of any religion but they also have the lowest retainage of any faith. It's not just a religion, it's a way of life 24-7, your life is not your own, full time job kinda religion. Trust me, I KNOW!!!

Anonymous said...

Mormons go Sunday morning then they have evening sacraments on Sunday & you are required at both. I used to go when I was kid. didn't really work out

Anonymous said...

okay people. they're called latter day saints now a days a.k.a. LDS.

Anonymous said...

okay people. they're called latter day saints now a days a.k.a. LDS.

Anonymous said...

they've always been the LDS but to most people they are Mormons. K? I used to be one when I was a child. Got baptized when I was 8 the whole ball-o-wax.

Anonymous said...

Well for all of the people commenting here that were baptized at age 8 and stopped going to church you seem to know an awful lot. For the record, members of the LDS church are not "required" to go to church twice on Sunday. In fact, they are not "required" to go at all. Ever hear of "free agency"?