Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Holy wart!

Thank you, SJP, for making me feel better about my face today.


Anonymous said...

print it up, hang it up and she'll make you feel better about your face EVERYDAY!!

Anonymous said...

OMG...this photo looks like my brother doing drag - but not quite as good!!!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't she a witch in that Bette Midler movie???? WTh was that? But the role suits her!

Anonymous said...

makes you think of cruella lol

Anonymous said...

Ooohh why the long face?.

Anonymous said...

For Anon 11.47, the movie was Hocus Pocus and I think she was really good and looked cute in that movie. She's no classic beauty for sure, but I think she does have something about her.


Anonymous said...

I have *never* been able to understand why SJP-- fashion and style icon, adored by millions -- refuses to have that fucking CARBUNCLE removed from her chin!

Shit, girl... you ain't Cindy Crawford, and your MOLEWART doesn't make your face "unique" or give it "character". Unless you're going for "Witchy-Poo."

Some time ago, I was 'shopping a head shot of SJP just for shits'n'giggles... I removed that 'thang', shortened her chin a tad and know what?

She was gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

"I'll get you my pretty! and your little dog too!!"

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling good about my neck now too!

Anonymous said...

Her & that face laugh all the way to the bank, everyday!!

Anonymous said...

moley russells wart aka uncle buck lmfaooooo

Anonymous said...

doncha know she's Lovely on the inside ya'll?