Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is Seal hanging out in chat rooms?

He has a messed up face and a little baby voice, but Heidi says he has a big wang. She must have been joking, because women don't marry men for their big wang. Anyhow, besides his other..shortcomings, his wit is not a factor in his marriage to the world hottest super model. He got into is with some paps recently and when one of them ask how he was..Seal answered "Why don't you ask your mother how I feel?"
Really? That's the best he's got? That's grounds for a divorce right there. Will his next insult contain "fag" references and fat jokes? I can hardly wait. I'm busting a gut here. Pffft.


Anonymous said...

Divorce? You gotta be kidding me. He was being a smart ass. The paps probably annoy him thats all. & I got the impression that heidi 1st noticed him because of the bulge down under,in his spandex shorts, not why she married the guy. It's just another guy joke like "yo' momma" thing. If he ever cheated on heidi, he'd be the dumbest man ever to have lived.

Anonymous said...

Heidi is too cool for him, that's sure.

Anonymous said...

If he cheats on Heidi, he's even dumber than he is ugly. A man with a face like his should get down on his knees on a daily basis and thank the good Lord that he scored a woman like her!