There's been a Kardashian marathon running lately, so I've caught up with all the episodes and I am disturbed. Not by the kids..the older girls are self centered and rude to their family, but, not too weird or stupid. The little Kardashian girls are cute, but, too mature and out of control. Stepdad Bruce Jenner may look like an ad for plastic surgery and AIDs, but, he's a decent guy who's treated like crap and lied to constantly. Played for a fool by his wife and the girls who say things like "Get the stick out of your dumb ass" behind his back when he tells then not to make sex tapes.
BUT..it's the mom who makes my mouth open in shock. Don't think I'm dumb enough to believe reality is real, but, even if it's scripted, this woman is sick. She pimps out her kid to pose naked for Playboy, even after Kim made her swear she wouldn't have to take off her clothes. Kriss Jenner even suggested a mother/daughter photo shoot, exposed her old cleavage outrageously for Hef and fanagled a free naked shoot of herself which she displayed for the camera. It's bad when one of your kids looks at you while you're talking one daughter into a nude pictorial and says "We know what you're about mom, you get 10% as her manager." It almost made me cry and I still feel sick. Playboy is a classy nude rag, but, your own mom shouldn't be pimping you for it and lying to you to get you naked. Kriss is right up there with Dina Lohan for the worst mom in history.
HERE's a site where you can catch 13 episodes free in good quality..if you missed them. Oh, and after whoring Kim out, Kriss called in the FBI because Kourtney couldn't keep her mouth off some guys dick in high school and they were all mad because no one sells sex photos of the Kardashians but the Kardasians. Fuck! This family is sick. Can you believe these people??!!
I've seen most of the shows too, how can you not? She is bothersome to me as well, as a mom. I understand wanting to help her daughter further her career or whatever but not so far as making her pose nude, esp after the sex tape scandal. You'd expect the mom to encourage the opposite behavior. It's appalling & Kim should have fired her ass when she wanted to instead of just threatening to. Why are all these moms such fame whores? They ALL are! Where's Miley Cyruses mom? Next! Why do all those grown ass women still live at home? I think Courtney might not, I think she lives with her BF. She's the cutest one besides the little girls. Their mom is ruining them & I honestly think Bruce knows it. Linda Thompson, Brody's mom, doesn't seem like such a fame whore. She got that when she was with Elvis. I don't know what to say, if Kris & Bruce stay married another 16 years, I would be shocked. Well, besides the fact that will be dead before that. They are old! Like me.
Couldnt agree with you more. Sick and disturbing trash.
They live at home because its a 'free' ride and less boundaries and accountability then even their so called real world with friends.
how can you not watch that train wreck?!?!?!!BUT... in my opinion...those 2 little girls are the next lohan ... did you see the episode with the stripper pole?? i loved how they invited all of their no name k-listed friends...too much!
Dina Lohan has a serious competitor now.
sounds like mom K. wouldn't mind to sell her daughters for some nice, dirty sex.
If you ask her to 'rent' Kim and one of her sisters for a night of dirty porn-like sex, would mom K. say no?
I don't think so. I believe she couldn't wait to get the money into her dirty old hands - and would suggest even some bargains. Like a third (very young) daughter for only 10% more ....
Oh, give Kriss some credit..she'd want 25% for the under age ones.
but only 5% if you let her film the spectacle and sell the tape.
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