According to James, his sister did not attend the pre Oscar party where Jen Aniston was .. out of.....respect.
James told Grazia Magazine, "Angie is an incredibly strong but also incredibly sensitive woman, and she would always be careful when another woman's feelings are concerned. She'd go out of her way to make sure there was no situation that would hurt another woman because of her, and I'm talking about a situation like one of Brad's ex partners or his ex-wife."
I totally believe that. Angie is always respectful of other peoples feelings, like when she went through that phase of making out with her own brother. There are no photos (published) of Jolie gnawing on her brothers knob, out of respect to their parents. Watch and learn, people.
You are nothing but a rotten whore hiding behind the computer. Angelina is a fine and decent humanitarian and a wonderful mother. You need to go fuck yourself.
Better that fucking James Haven. Oh, wait, I'm not blood related to him, so he wouldn't fuck me anyhow.
Angelina is sucking James Haven's dick even as we speak.
yeah, she's got so much respect for other women's feelings that she went on a MISSION to steal Brad from Jen during Mr. & Mrs. Smith. They say she set her sights on him and made it her goal to grab him, whether he was married or not. I'd hate to have her watching out for MY feelings!
I agree with the second anonymous, Angelina is a selfish whore and what her brother/sex partner has to say is a big load of BS.
The first anonymous is a douchebag.
first...how many times has she kissed that boy? and what is with the first one...it looks magazine posed.
and as for the first person who responded...please go somewhere else..why must you speak that way...and angelina is not a fine humanitariun/mom...she sleeps with other women's hushands and my opinion is her reps told her she needs to clean up her sleazy reputation, therefore she has become "saint" angelina...that leapord can't change
what about the feelings of her daughter's zahara's REAL mother??? angelina doesn't care about other people's feelings, least of all jennifer's...
this is bullshit....
Wow, how European!. Angelina and her brother were definitely European Royalty in a former life. She is completely giving herself to him in that kiss, and he is fully commited to the smooch as well. He probably got a hard on from that. He probably has a secret room where he watches Angelina give it to Brad with the strap-on. And he wishes he was Brad...or the strapon.
It's the second pic that freaks me out.
ANON 2:18:00
who needs a strap-on or a separate room? family is always welcome...hehe
To the FIRST Anonoymous!!!!! Not all blogs makes us worship blobalina! There a few that allow free speech & an Honest opinion :) So I recommend you go back to Just Jared or one of the many other blogs that censor non loon comments about Adoptalina!
Thanks Dirty Disher for these hysterical pictures! I'm sure skankalina wants us to forget her past but where ever you go... there you are!
This is the first time I've seen photos of those two going at it and it's really disturbing. I thought people were exaggerating Smugolina's sleazy side.
I saw her state in an interview a couple years ago that she and Brad didn't act romantic around each other and were more likely to punch each other in the arm than embrace. But she sure knows how to pour it on for her brother! What is that? Necking with your blood relatives and treating your bf like a brother????
I'm convinced that Brad thought Smugo was his best chance at getting the family he'd been wanting and wasn't getting anywhere with Aniston in that dept. He probably doesn't much care about reputations so slut or girl-next-door wasn't important. Smugface had already proved herself to want a bunch of children (narcissistic supply to her) and no female could resist him, esp. an easy-sleazy like Smug.
Does she even realize why he's with her? I'm sure she does, but she could probably slow production down a little and still keep him.
I'm sure neither James nor his sister believe they do anything wrong, ever. Certainly showing a little filial affection is a wholesome and normal thing. No one can prove there's a right and wrong way to kiss your sister or brother, so ignoring the criticism is the sensible thing to do. Especially since......they never do anything wrong.
A fine and decent humanitarian and a wonderful mother... who hires nannies to raise her kids and has to have a camera crew follow her to every "humanitarian" thing she does. Bono much, Angelina?
I think you are all overlooking the obvious sarcasm of anonymous 1. I mean really, that can't be a serious statement.
he is sooo gay, he can't kiss a real woman so he kisses his sister. she's the only girl that will do that to him. He likes guys, duh!
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