In news relative..sort of, ParAss Hilton is hosting a bash for her "special" VIP fans on My Space and only a "select few" will be personally invited. How bullshit. I got my invitation and it said "Can you send a writer to cover this?" Ummm, no, I hate you, plus.. I don't have a My Space, plus..I AM the writer here. My staff is a troll doll in a poodle skirt and a sack of sugarless jelly beans. And it wasn't even from ParAss..it was from Mylan Beauford and if you have a blog, you know who that is. Mylan, dude, you need a new gig.
Wow, his b'day is of note still? Why? 'cuz he took his kids away from crazy Brit? 'cuz he's a good dad? He does look good here. I NEVER thot he was unattractive. He used to come across as 'white chocolate' tho, like Vanilla Ice. Maybe he's classed himself up now. I like him too DD, I also like Brit. I can't help it. AJ is easy not to like. JA is too easy to love. WE can't help who we care about out there. It's their vibe for better or for worse. I like this guys vibe.
u don't wanna see Paris shake her cootch in Benji's fat face DD? AWW go, she will miss you if you don't go. She invited you & everfeeng...jeez
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