Friday, March 14, 2008

Kate Beckinsale is mean

Kate Beckinsale admits she suffers stress and anxiety trying to juggle a young child and a Hollywood career. She says, "I don't understand how more people don't drop children out of windows."
I don't know why we can't drop her and her smelly pharaohs tomb out a window. A tall window.


Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe she'd say this outloud! You can't just be thinking something & then just let the words fall outta your mouth. There has to be filter there, somewhere. Like old people, there is no filter. Ever notice that?

Dirty Disher said...


Anonymous said...

And I'm wondering WHY she had a child.......

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can't believe she actually said that someone.

Anonymous said...

She says alot of things that can be filed under 'odd', could it be her sense of humor, even if its highly lacking in the funny dept?

Either way its just wrong to say things like that about children.

Anonymous said...

Jeez !! Why not just say, can't live with them , can't eat them . What a miserable person !

Anonymous said...

This is just sad. And a new low for that wicked wench. What MOTHER would say such a thing without adding "and until I got treatment, I never realized how dangerous and destructive my feelings were.."

And please, spare me the suggestion that she was either joking, misquoted, or her remarks were taken out of context. I don't buy it for a second. That freak has more 'misteps' than the Roman ruins.

What I find particularly galling is that she's a rich fucking "movie star". How could she be complaining about the trials and tribulations of caring for her kids? You just know she's got an army of house-staff and probably at least 2 nannies.

Dish is right. She's just plain MEAN. (and pure evil ;-) Hey, Kate... the Karma Police are coming for youuu!