There is no end the the Winerun shenanigans. First I read about how her face got infected. Impetigo found an open sore where Amy had defiantly put out her cig on her own cheek when a waitress told her she couldn't smoke. Now she's been caught snorting vodka at The Bungalow 8. An entire shot of it.
*The UK's Mirror says..She was allegedly seen inhaling vodka at Bungalow 8 while out partying with Kelly Osbourne, Kimberley Stewart, and Mark Ronson. The group was apparently playing a drinking game called the "Gas Chamber." "Amy was the life and soul - but even we were shocked by this party trick," a source said. "She was sat next to Kelly when she covered one nostril, tilted her head back and sucked the vodka shot down her open nostril through a straw. She threw back her head and reeled in shock and everyone around her looked stunned." *
*The UK's Mirror says..She was allegedly seen inhaling vodka at Bungalow 8 while out partying with Kelly Osbourne, Kimberley Stewart, and Mark Ronson. The group was apparently playing a drinking game called the "Gas Chamber." "Amy was the life and soul - but even we were shocked by this party trick," a source said. "She was sat next to Kelly when she covered one nostril, tilted her head back and sucked the vodka shot down her open nostril through a straw. She threw back her head and reeled in shock and everyone around her looked stunned." *
Then she did the burning jig and snorted Kim Stewart, Kelly and a Ronson up her honker into rock and roll phlem oblivion. Good, I don't wanna read about them anymore anyhow. I give it up to Winerun..I was a mere amature. I only thought I was once a hard ass party chick. I knew nothing, and I am deeply ashamed at my ineptitude.
No surprise who she was keeping company with huh? Gawd, where was Kate & Petey? This chick is self destructing and fast. Putting a cig out on her own face? She hadda be high to do that. YOWCHY!!!!She will have a bad scar from that too. Like she'd even notice. I just heard the theme song for "Dirt" on FX and it's an Amy Winehouse song. I love that song. didn't know it was her. Unless, I'm mistaken. w/e..I like the song.
Snorting vodka is so damn retarded.
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