Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Man purse

I don't care what Matthew McConaughey calls that's a man purse and it's just wrong.


Anonymous said...

I agree. Man-purse. Wrong.

Anonymous said...

It's a sorta hippie-ish messenger bag. It's a guy's answer to a purse or altenative to a back pack. He's such a throw back from the 70's that its not even funny. He's a rebel, he doesn't care if you like his expensive leather bag or not! I don't mind it at all. It goes along with his personality.

Anonymous said...

I see so many men with man purses now. get use to it

Anonymous said...

Wrong? Just because you're not used to it? This is a common thing in the far east, used by males and females alike, although mostly males along with loose, informal clothing. Its very spacious, practical and humble and can also be worn diagonally across the chest.

Anonymous said...

It is the fact that he doesn't have it across his chest like the usual messenger bag style. He should carry it like that. Then it won't look like a purse so much. Personally, I like it. Alot. It's totally cool. Guys have sh** to carry around too. He's not gonna carry a hard stiff briefcase. Thats not his style. He's loose.

Anonymous said...

If I were a man I wouldn't hesitate wearing a man purse if it meant that I was making things more comfortable and convenient for myself.

Anonymous said...

i think it just looks wrong.. Maybe if he wears it like a messenger style bag, ok.. doesn't make him any less sexy though :D

Anonymous said...

Its no more a girl thing then us wearing jeans is a man thing. Now if it was trimmed in sequins and had a pretty little buckle clasp, that be a bit on the odd side lol.

Anonymous said...

Purse, or no purse the man is still hot!

Anonymous said...

That purse would look much better on him if he had his shirt off.