Monday, March 17, 2008

Mariah Carey is not a slut and she knows at least one big word

Carey insists she has never been a whore or a slut and has never done one night stands..

Mariah said, "It's a dichotomy, I understand. I understand that people think I'm a ditzy moron," she continued, "I'm Mary Poppins: I'm what the buttoned-up girls are supposed to be."
No one ever called you a whore here..we call you a selfish self centered giant ego'd nasty bitch. And Mary Poppins never had her boobs hanging out, slept in a custom sauna or hired someone to hold her drink cup for her. AND, sluttiness has no bearing on intelligence. I'd rather hang out with a clever slut all day than someone who thinks they poop gold butterflies.


Anonymous said...

Nice DD!. I remember when Luis Miguel dumped her she went nuts. But my favorite picture is thae one of her inside the Limo having a breakdown when Glitter tanked at the box office. She surrounds herself with people that kiss her ass all day and tell her she's still relevant; as long as their checks are still clearing. So sad to see so much singing talent wasted on so little substance.

Anonymous said...

"poop gold flutterflies" heheheheh-hoot. I love never-heard-before slams. Where do you come up with this stuff?


Anonymous said...

Must say that highly intelligent sluts are VERY entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Does Tommy Matola (sp?) ring a bell? Pretty sure she slept/engaged/married him for her career.


Anonymous said...

Saw her perform on SNL Saturday night & she was good. I liked the song.