Johns blog is back up. I think this message is a little odd though..
Dear Ex Lover, Perhaps you didn't understand the last time I told you to stop contacting me, so I'll do my best to spell it out for you. I do not wish to have you in my life anymore. I don't know how much more clear I can be about it. It would serve you best to move on with your life and find someone who can put up with you, because I'm done trying. I hope this is enough closure for you. Goodbye.
P.S. If you need me, you know how to find me.
P.S. If you need me, you know how to find me.
If you want her to stop bothering you why would you remind her of how to find you? He says it's lyrics. Lyrics to what? A song about a dumb Texas blonde? I thought she was humping Tony Baloney, the football hero. I can write a better song than that..
Jessica likes the foo-ball games,
she burning when she pee..
Jessica got funky smell,
it's Chicken Of The Sea!
if this is for Jess, I think it's mean to make a public comment. Thats a personal matter & leaves her open for all kinds of speculation & gossip. Be it true or not. Just don't reply to her text's dude. Don't answer when she calls. Block her emails etc. Change your cell number. You don't have to respond at all & that usually works wonders. & the "you know where to find me" comment is so retarded after going thru that whole schpiel about leaving him alone. I like him alot but he needs to shut his cake hole sometimes. I think he's a very immature person & this could be a dozen or more people he's talking about. This dude gets around! I think he's a huge attention whore. This from the guy that wears a Speedo pulled up around his neck!!!
I think he saw Jess at that Fun Fearless Male thing Cosmo had last week & he got jealous about her & Romo & this is his way of telling her to call him. He's a smart ass & I think this is his way of coming on to her. Thats my take on it. He NEVER actually says what he's thinking. So, think opposite here & thats what he's REALLY thinking. I guarantee it. Why else make a public announcement? There's no reason.
Anon @ 11:48 wrote
"I think he saw Jess at that Fun Fearless Male thing Cosmo had last week & he got jealous about her & Romo & this is his way of telling her to call him."
You know, if that's true.. he deserves a sound thrashing. He knows damn well the world will believe that post was meant for Jessica, and if I were her--- I'd kick his fuckin' GREEN ASS from here to Hollywood.
Whatta DOUCHE!
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