MJ made some deal to keep Neverland. The squeak of rusty carnie rides, ghosts of bizarre animals long dead, MJ's fake face parts in cubby holes and the memories of sleepovers with little boys in toony jammas. I wouldn't live there if they gave it to me. I WOULD take it for free and rent it out to horror film producers. Then I'd take all the money I made from it, buy a nice little cape cod where no one ever hurt children, and burn Neverland to it foundation, salt it, and pour 9000 tons of cement over it's charred remains. Creep fest.
"Chuckie" lives there, so does "IT" and Bozo went there to die. This place is very creepy & should be torn down, why does he wanna save it? It's there where he got in trouble so many times for molesting kids, I wouldn't want to live there in my lifetime if I was him. Bad ju-ju. It looks delapidated & grown over in some pics. He must not even have any groundskeepers anymore. He should have money still, but doesn't have nearly what he imagines he has. Let it go MJ, just let it go. EW! Creeps me out. Somebody could re-do the grounds & remodel the house and have a fabulous home once they had it exorcized!
"salt it" LMFAO!!! Soddom & Gommorah?
Salt cleans bad energy.
what about sage?? that purifies...
Maybe MJ wants his back, because he is scared what new owners might find there?
And I don't talk about the echoes of MJs broken dreams or shards of his destroyed soul.
yeah, maybe like that dumbass in a town close by here that sold a woman in NC his computer. When she got it she found a bunch of kid porno on it from when he was a swimming coach at a high school around here and he filmed the girls locker room w/o the girls knowledge of course, she told the cops & he's going to jail for a very long time, I think 180 years. Idiot! So, yeah, maybe hes covering his ass. "Never" thot of that.
salt kills!!! pour it on a slug, it dissolves them, then they won't eat your flowers. pour it in the cracks of your sidewalk, it kills the grass. Salt is very valuable. I cannot eat salt at all & I miss it. Oh well. It's an eardrum thing.
go away crazy Michael...please!
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