Tigger (top) who I assume hogs the feed bowl...heh heh. Little Punkin (love that name) who's sqeezably cute, and last but not least Buddy, who Steph claims is "Sweet, cuddly and dumb as a goddamn rock. We’re keeping him anyway." LMAO! He may surprise you. I had a pup once I swore was retarded, but, when he hit age two he wised up and learned faster than a crank head at the Evelyn Woods school of speed reading. Anyway, Buddy is precious.
Just lovely!
How could one not keep buddy. What an adorable puppy face.
I love those but is the dog purple or am I like really drunk,lmao
No, Buddy isn't purple but he does almost look that way. His fur is a deep, deep blue-black!
When we adopted him we were trying to figure out names. He was so laid back that we kept calling him "Stoner". We contemplated naming him Spicolli but then realized that shortening it to Spic might not be wise. So, we opted for Buddy - which should be said in your very best Pauly Shore voice as Buh-uddy.
I thought the dog was purple too!
Tiger is adorable and looks like a combo of my recently departed Mojave Dick and still around Gypsy Boots....
LOL! I loooove all animals but cats are waaaaay smarter than dogs or even people! which is why some people do not like kitties.
They are all just precious!
Thanks for the photos of your furry friends Stephanie, so adorable!
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