Monday, March 10, 2008

Most Awkward Car Entrance Award



Isn't there some school where they teach celebs how to get in and out of cars? There should be. Britney has a stalker..the creep sends her packages. So far he's sent her, among other things, a purple dildo and a photo of himself with the eyes cut out drinking what looks like piss. His notes are "gibberish" which makes me think perhaps Britney wrote them herself and got confused. The FBI is on the case. Anyway, how will they ever find her stalker when she has 400 people around her all the time? Look for a guy with no eyeballs and a big gulp cup of urine.


Anonymous said...

They used to teach girls how to get in and out of cars properly in Girl Scouts. It was in the manual.

Anonymous said...

Yeah and Girl Scout cookies are the biggest rip-off ever now! There, I said it. Jealous??? How much are they now $5 a box? & my gawd, Boy Scouts popcorn is $17 a can. Those organizations suck, don't use them as an example for anything. And oh yeah, I was a Girl Scout & a Brownie when I was a kid. It was stupid.