Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Paris and Benji cuddle a Cheetah

Sites are making Siegfried and Roy jokes (that was a tiger, nerds) and a lot of other snide remarks about how stupid it is to get near a Cheetah. They need to do their homework, because a Cheetah raised with people is a pretty good pet. They're easily domesticated, not aggressive and don't revert to the wild. I know, only because I researched them once (and met several kept as house pets) when I decided I wanted an exotic pet. They don't have retractable claws, like a cat, their disposition is more canine, but, they need tons of room to run, which I had. I traveled all over the US because I had time and never found a young one for sale, and my desire for a Cheetah diminished when I found out no Cheetah has ever been house trained. But, I did find lots of other crazy stuff and crazy people including tigers, lions and even some loon in Montana who sold mountain lions for pets. She said they make nice pets. I didn't believe her and refused to get inside the compound with them. Then her 12 year old boy came out of the house and he had a missing hand. She said the mountain lion who did it was sorry and it was an accident. I told her she was fucking insane and left. I never did get a Cheetah, I settled for brain damaged abused horses and raccoon rescue/rehab. Among other strange animals to numerous to mention.
Anyhow, ParAss and Benji are not crazy for petting a Cheetah, but, she is still sort of stupid for saying “I love Africa in general — South Africa and West Africa, they are both great countries.”


Anonymous said...

Hi DD. I grew up in Guatemala where we kept toucans, monkeys and deer that the vet at the local village raised as pets. The village called Las Cruces in the Peten region near Tikal. Anyway, a neighboring ranch owner kept a mountain lion he found hurt near the river and raised it for a couple of years without any trouble. One day he fell asleep in his hammock and the lion started licking his hand. In a reaction he startled and jerked his hand away...bad news for his hand since we guess it prompted a natural instinct in the lion that chomped down on it and nearly ripped it off. My guess is that Paris feels a kinship to bad pussy and knows she is safe around wild cats.

Dirty Disher said...

I have some experience with mountain lions as part of a rescue team. Beutiful, but,..They cannot be trusted and should be left in the wild, AND NOT HUNTED. You sound like you had a fun upbringing. Oh and another fun factoid about Cheetah's is that in the wild they do not kill for sport, or torture, like lions, they only kill when they're hungry.

Dirty Disher said...

Oh, I feel like jabbering. Once I was seriously attacked by a mother raccon while sleeping. They are small bears and they cannot be trusted once they reach sexual maturity. Females are particuarly dangerous. Learned that the hard way. The injuries to my face and throat were extensive and required hospitalization. I got smarter though and didn't quit helping them.

Anonymous said...

The snakes wer unbelievable in Peten. Fer de LAnce's and tropical rattlers, coral snakes and cantiles wer everywhere, as were the sacred jaguars. I used to speak a lot of kakchiquel (mayan dialect), and everything had an animal name associated with it. Child hunters wer called "ixtobaalamke"- little jaguar. My Dad worked for the Government freeing slaves from rural farm areas until we were burned out and had to escape armed guerrillas- I was 12 and moved to the US to join the MArine Corps ( in my mind I thought I could learn to fight and get payback for ny Dad0 I fought allright but not back home. Oh well, I love this country for what one can achieve with hard work.

Anonymous said...

I think Paris just wants a new coat or bag. BTW-why is this news? She stinks.

Anonymous said...

That poor cheetah! I hope it doesn't get herpes!

I'm sure blobalina is rip roaring ( pun intended) angry! that parASS is on her turf, getting photo ops and press lol!

Anonymous said...

"Cheet-os" anyone?? NO! He ain't givin' her any Cheet-os! No way.

Dirty Disher said...

WOW anon, you've had an amazing life! Just amazing! Had king snake pets in Arizona that I used to scare my friends with by telling them they were Corals. Had one real Coral, sweet little thing. I found out it was illegal and let it go. I was only 12.

Anonymous said...

DD, I think YOU are insane.

Dirty Disher said...

That's never been debatable. I like little kids and animals though..everyone else can bite me.

Anonymous said...

DD, you ARE insane! Coral snakes? Get out! Thats just stupid. I think snakes are best left alone, in the wild. Why do people think a snake wants to live with them? It doesn't. Not even a little bit.