I have no clue why this woman is bad mouthed so much. Sarah was a cocktail waitress and George Clooney asked her out. Now she's his live in girl friend. And she's become a model. She looks like a model. She's a beautiful woman. Being a waitress doesn't make her stupid, it makes her a person who isn't afraid of hard work. Dating George Cooney doesn't make her a gold digger. Who the frick would turn George Clooney down? The hatred towards her confuses me and sort of pisses me off.
that isn't a very flattering pix of her...it looks like she has no boobs!
modelas aren't supposed to have boobs! But I think the hatred for her stems from "Why didn't he pick me"? kinda thing. I mean every starlet in Ho-Wood has tried to nail this guy down & a nobody from a bar he went into did it! It's absurd, but thats what happened. Maybe she's a real person. I don't think she's very pretty, she looks like The Donalds wife sorta. She's OK & he likes her, he's rich & gorgeous, why shouldn't she date him? It won't last, he's a rambler. But didn't his bud Matt Damon marry a regular gal? It makes for a chance at happienss if you both aren't famous, so they say. But it's jealousy. It happens to all girls that have something the other girls want but can't have. This won't last, I'm tellin' ya'...she's trying to milk her fame now so he will dump her ass.
i'm not hating on her....that's just not a flattering pix....
i think models SHOULD have boobs!
VS models do have boobs. Lots of 'em! I think models should have boobs too 'cuz us real women have them. But most don't is what I meant. Kate Moss for example, flat-o! It's a look many designers like, Project Runway doesn't use models with boobs, altho Heidi clearly is a filled out girl and a VS model. So, I agree with you Miss Tia, I was just stating that most models do not have boobs. "GO BOOBS"!!! "TEAM BOOBS"!!!
I couldn't agree more D.D! But I'm still amazed at how many ppl on the internet HATE J.A or Nicole Kidman???? but LOVE brangelina? it's a mystery to me?
Back to Sara, I don't know what she did??? besides accept a date from a total hawtie and become his girlfriend! GOOD FOR HER!!!!
And maybe George Clooney just wanted a normal , non celeb. girlfriend :)
when did anybody hate on this chick, or even care about her? I don't care about her or who she's dating, even if it is Mr. Clooney, who will probably never marry anybody. He said if he was a girl & Brad Pitt was a girl and they were both lesbians then he would be all over that. He is a hoot. A very funny & classy but bit naughty guy. Whats not to love? I say good for you to this chick, whoever you are!
I like her too, sadly. Did you see how cute her Jr. High pics were? Sure, she's a tall gorgeous model (though I do agree w/ anon about the Trump wife similarity), but she still comes off like a regular person. And George is sexy and witty and for the most part, I trust his judgment! And hell, a lesbian probably wouldn't even kick George Clooney out of her bed, even if he were dirt poor! The man is scrumptious!
She has a very cute smile. Look at this face when she smiles. It warms my old cynical heart. You want to make her happy just to see this face smile. And those legs! Long, well formed. Great! At the end of those legs, beautifull feet!
A lot of models and Hollywood skanks have very ugly feet. But Sarah's are sexy.
I don't care that she was a waitress or a stripper. As long as she has a good personality nobody should. And her personality is 'good enough' for George Clooney to marry her. That should tell the haters something.
The AP
Absolutely agree w/ you on that! It HAS to be envy!
she was a winner on Fear Factor too. Blech! According to People.com
I agree with anon 9:37:00 AM, GC most likely just wanted a nice normal non hollywood mentality gf.
Thats sort of a catch 22 though, you know that someone once introduced to celeb scene will latch on to something/someone to boost their own shooting star dreams. Very very few wouldnt do the same.
Cant hold that against her.
I actually don't think her face is model material. I dunno, maybe it's the make up here!
Think Eliot Spitzer & the escort -- that's why people have a problem w/Sarah. She is/was a Vegas escort working for the N9NE group. Also "modeled" for them showing her coochie w/pictures all over the web.
Read www.laineygossip.com about George Clooney and you'll find out everything.
I think "women" should have boobs too.
Stand by, if she marries him, she'll be in the spotlight so often it will make her head hurt she'll be forced to cave in to the black hole of insecure negativity that is Hollywood. She'll get some EEE implants to fit in with the rest of the Drones in LA. Clooney's still considered hot and the claws will be retracted because of some little ceremony...meow
It's not because of anything other than the fact that Stan went and told everyone in the press that she was a model/actress, when in actuality THIS BELOW is what she does for a "living". They have a name for women who do this:
Doesn't anyone find it odd how Stan, who used to say all the time in the past that he doesn't comment on GC's personal life was the first one to open his mouth "explaining her" to the public? Her VAGINA is out in the open being filmed and photographed for a promotional video for WORK, for crying out loud. What kind of a job has in it's duties to show off your vaginal labia to potential "clients"? Her friends say she makes $200,000.00 a year! How many cocktail waitresses aspiring to be a model at 29 years of age, make that kind of money? If you were making that kind of money, you wouldn't be doing some cheesy runway show in LA where the models don't even clear $1,000 per show. That was just to refute all the people crying foul that they had never seen one photo of her modeling, and then suddenly boom, bang!! There's instant photos and now some goofy ass runway show. They should just ship her out of the country and tell her to never surface again, if they really want to cover it up. Now you know why Sir Clooney WON'T be marrying her. He may get married one day, but it will be to someone who not only has the body and sex appeal, but also one who hasn't sold herself out to sleazy things like girlie magazines, soft porn movies, stripping, or escorting. His future wife will have a brain, be an eloquent speaker, and have REAL feelings and a heart for him, as this particular woman looks like she only has feelings for the camera lens. It's so obviously fake, just as the first 5 or 6 posters on this board are so obviously either her friends or the same person, as the entries are all 8 - 10 minutes apart.
She's hung her own noose, now get over it. Once an escort, always an escort.
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