Monday, March 17, 2008

Stumpy McWhore takes Sir Paul for 50 mil

It's absolutely absurd that any court anywhere would look at this talentless lying whore and give her 50 million of her husbands hard earned money, but that's what happened to Paul McCartney. At least it's finally over. Until she writes a book.


Anonymous said...

I am so tired of seeing her money grubbing face.

Anonymous said...

At least she only got 6% of his net worth. In America he would have to move in with his parents and sell music instruments at a pawn shop. He can always dig dirt from his fingernails and sell it at an antique store.


Anonymous said...

the way I understand it, she cannot write a tell-all or disclose anything personal info about Paul, his family or their marriage & in order to make this happen, the judge will probably double her settlement. Just so she won't ever make any money talking about Paul or his family etc.

valle said...

oh no now everyone will REALLY treat her worse than a "PEEEDOPHILE"