Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Those Sex/City girls..gee whiz!

Turns out the naked pics REALLY are her. An ex sold them, nice guy, huu? Thank you, Kristin Davis, for making me feel better about my belly today.


Anonymous said...

Obviously "girl on top" action. She looks so young there. This is mean of him, whoever he is. I'm sure she regrets the day! I hate this guy!!

Anonymous said...

Wait until you see all the pictures. What makes this girl special enough to be on TV?. She does look young in the full photo spread, I noticed her thighs were still undr control somewhat when the pics were taken.

Anonymous said...

I just hate men! They are such dicks.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, Dish... Since when do you censor nudity?

Anonymous said...

HAte men?. She was a willing participant and should have been prepared for the consequences. There are plenty of women out there who exercise good judgment and dont get burned.

Anonymous said...

I saw the pictures. That is one of the least attaractive poonanies I have ever seen. She's right to keep the shit bushy otherwise noone would touch it. She's got more hoods than a KKK meeting.

Anonymous said...

just weird position and angle. i'm sure your belly is not better than hers. please fuck off.

Anonymous said...

There are also plenty of women getting photographed w/o their knowledge.

Anonymous said...

What an asshole. Why do people feel its there right to ruin someone just because they were dumb enough to trust them? He had no right to release the vid and pics. What a little weak man. Hope someone kicks his ass.

Anonymous said...

It's a proven fact that sex tapes advance carreers in Hollyweird. He should sue her for a percentage of all her future earnings.

Anonymous said...

People are so dumb. Everyone has sex except Clay Aiken. Men who post pictures of their partners are as bright and sophisticated as 3 year olds giggling about the potty. Jeeezz!

Anonymous said...

Some guy out there who saw the photos is thanking her ex for making him feel better about the size of his dick today.