Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A warrant has been issued for Shia LaBeouf

A warrant has been issued for Shia LaBeouf's arrest in Burbank after he missed a court date to face an unlawful smoking charge. He was smoking outside on a sidewalk when he was ticketed.
OMG!!! Lock him up right now, he is a killer, a cold blooded murderer! I could pack up all my shit, get on a plane, fly to Burbank, write a rubber check to a fancy hotel, decide to take a walk and possibly run right into his cloud of smoke and die a horrible death! LOCK THIS BAD BASTARD UP BEFORE WE ALL DIE!!!! GIVE HIM LIFE, I SAY!


Anonymous said...

He's still a hot piece of ass.

Anonymous said...

He's the sh** right now. I read the whole entire law online today, someplace. It's retarded. Within this many feet of shared exits outside, within this many feet of this or that. This applies even outside mind you! The entire town is a no smoking town basically. I do not smoke, I used to when I was a teenager, alot. Glad I don't now, dayum! It's expensive! But anyway you can't live there if you smoke, thats about the size of it. He will get life. Good-bye Shia *sobs*

Anonymous said...

Leave him alone! He's too sexy for jail.

Anonymous said...

Fuck california! God I cant stand that state. Self rightious.

Anonymous said...

He shouldn't smoke anyway. It's a bad habit & very hard to break. But it's an idiot law. Do they have nothing else to do in that town but bust people for smoking cigs? Cruise main street for smokers to arrest? Thats insane. If they have time to do that & pay the cops for doing that, then thats a very slow town with a huge law enforcement budget. What a waste of taxpayers money!!!

Anonymous said...

he is way toooooo hotttttt for jail
he is smoken
hes the reason its so hott