Thursday, March 13, 2008

Whatever happened to Davy Jones

He became a crazy old man who waxes his chest and jerks to old Brady Bunch reruns. Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!


Anonymous said...

Davy Jones is still hot, he can still sing and puts on a great show!
He's also a very sweet person and is incredibly nice to his fans.
You're just jealous that someone his age is still desired by so many women.
He could eat crackers in my bed anytime!

Anonymous said...

he looks great. I loved the Monkees when I was a kid, yes, I am old. Not as old as him tho, by far! But he is cute, not unlike Paul McCartney. Cute has staying power on guys. He looks fit as well. Good for him. He just used what god gave him & I applaud that. A man has to make a living people! Who doesn't love "Daydream Believer"? C'mon now, you know you do!

Dirty Disher said...

The Monkees were an awesome band. Davy however, is insane.

Anonymous said...

Mickey Dolenz was my fav. I was madly in love with him. He's strange looking now! HaHa

Anonymous said...

PS:Why is Davy insane DD? Tell me.

Dirty Disher said...

He still thinks he's hot. And old men who think women like their chests are creepy.

Anonymous said...

hey Mickey Dolenz is trying to get ppl to sign a petition to get the Monkees into the R&RHOF! Is he kidding me? Ok, Davy is about what 60+ now? That is kinda creepy to show that old gray hairy stuff. But he looks good. Just needs to show his wife only. He's not in Tiger Beat anymore. Those were the days tho DD

Anonymous said...

I was four years old when the Monkees first aired on TV. OMG, was I ever in love with sweet, little Davy!!! I played their records constantly, much to the annoyance of my poor father, who couldn't stand pop music (little did he know what was waiting around the corner once I hit my teens, but that's a whole other story). Anyways, the point is, it's sad to see your heroes get old, fade into obscurity, lose their perspective and their dignity...don't you just wish they'd all stay young and beautiful forever?
