Thursday, March 20, 2008

Winona Ryder has a problem

Just when everyone had put that shoplifting episode in the back of their heads, Winona Ryder did it again. She was caught red handed with makeup she didn't pay for in her purse after setting a shop alarm off. And when she was asked about the make-up, Winona answered: “I don’t know how that happened.”
The store employee added: “We took unpaid items back and she left the store.”
No charges were filed. This girl is a klepto and needs some help. Also she should be stealing cold cream and tissues..she doesn't need any more makeup.


Anonymous said...

Winona Ryder IS a problem.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that this is even news at all. "Has-been" Winona Ryder *has been* a raging kleptomaniac for many years and *has been* the subject of blind items (as well as not-so blind items) in the worldwide media for as long as I can recall... and I'm an ollld fart.

It *has been* Hollywood's worst kept secret.. right up there with Farrah Fawcett's kleptomania.

Did I mention Winona's a HAS BEEN and nobody cares?

Anonymous said...

Do you think this will end up being one of those Pop Fiction episodes?

Anonymous said...

Great image!

Anonymous said...

She needs to steal a personality!! The most interesting thing about her WAS Johnny Depp and he's been long gone!!!