Star Jones has had gastric bypass, a tit uplift and reduction and now she's getting asshole surgery to remove the 200 pound tumor attached to her hip. Big Al moved to Miami and she stayed in the Apple. She will deny it, of course, because he was a great addition to her fantasy world. The same fantasy world where she has fans and is relevant. That's what you get when you marry a guy who plays for the other team. Once they redecorate your apartment, reorganize your closets and you've seen every musical Broadway has to offer..there's not much left.
Don't forget DD, he got her to change too - now he is officially done =)
she probably tired of poop on his stick. "Gotta go now Big Al"
Star Jones is a real bitch. I'm glad her show failed and I can't think of a nicer person than her to get suckered into marrying a gay guy. Hope he spent lots of her money.
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