Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ashton Kutcher does Details

On using shapes to describe his life: “You’ve got a square inside of a circle. So my whole life is this circle. Maybe my life started out inside this circle and I couldn't see outside. But I just kept putting stuff in the circle and the circle gets bigger and bigger so that it can hold all this stuff.”
I put my shit in a box. The box gets bigger. Sometimes I cut eye holes in the box. Sometimes I pretend it's a space ship. Shut up, you fucking idiot!


Anonymous said...

all that square circle triangle talk...wow...i was gonna saw how 'deep' that is, but not really...

Anonymous said...

Can he possibly be any more annoying? And what's with that face? He looks like a serial killer.


Anonymous said...

One can always hope that he's just jerking the interviewer around. The rich and famous are surrounded by sycophants, hangers on, fame junkies and journos who desperately want an interview. No matter what lame comment dribbles from their mouths, everywhere they look, someone is smiling, nodding and writing it down.

In that situation, you can either decide that you must be a fucking genius, incredibly profound, and deep, and shit, because look how everyone reacts to whatever you say, or you can realize how lucky you've been, laugh at what a ridiculous farce it all is, and have some fun.

Maybe that's crediting him too much, but it's a possibility.


Anonymous said...

I have a triangle in a circle and the circle is surrounded by the square that covers the octogon in my pants.Im dizzy now,lmao

Anonymous said...

I've never, ever seen the attraction with ASSton Kutcher.


Anonymous said...

WTH is he saying? He's saying... I used to be poor, then I got rich and needed more room for all my shit! Like the 4 plasmas that hang t'gthr on one wall so he can watch a bunch of sports at the same time. He's not fooling me, it's about stuff, thats it..owning lots of stuff!!! But he won't "own" the fact that, that is what he's actually saying!

Anonymous said...

His nose looks like it's been broken? And isn't he into the whole kabala thing? Maybe he's trying to be deep. It doesn't work for him, he's punking us, yet again. and no, I don't see the big deal either. He's not good looking and he has a strange body shape. Maybe he needs to do weights. His ex Brittany whats-her-name said he has a small penis. That always makes me laugh! She said it on Leno I think. Too funny! Of course that was after they had broken off their engagement. But I believe her.

Anonymous said...

That's from his Kabbalah stuff; the geometry of life and all that. hehe