In my spare internet time I continue to amuse myself by typing in "Mansions for sale"..for when my lotto ticket wins (which it will, no matter what crabbie says). This is the Harry Packer mansion, inspiration for Disney's Haunted Mansion, and it's a bargain at only $1.75 million. But, you'd have to want to live in Pa. Nice, huu? I guess it could be my summer home. I'd invite you all to spend a weeked. Just a weekend though..I'm kind of a loner. You understand.
OMG!!! That is AWESOME!!!! is there any pix of the inside??? can you link to the listing??? PLEASE?????
i LOVE old homes like that! if i ever win the lottery i'm going to buy an old victorian or queen anne home with acres and an orchard! :)
couldn't wait, found it!
www.murdermansion.com ! :)
Cool place, huu? The inside needs some tweaking.
$1.75 million that is how much in €?
I have 10 Euro left, is that enough?
gorgeous. i love houses with history/character.
Love the property.
hey im with you DD, i dont want a house full of guests either, no matter how much i love'em, i dont want people underfoot all the time, id go nuts without quiet and privacy.
thanks for the site info tia
The Haunted Mansion is one of my favs at Disney World!! Too fun! So, the run down pic is the current pic? Still not that bad. I'd live in PA! Cool house!!!
1.1 million €, no, that's not enough ...
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