Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Cameron's father died

Production on Cameron Diaz's latest film has been shut down because her father has passed away. Emilio Diaz, 58, got a case of the flu, which then turned into pneumonia. He was pretty young and this is so unexpected. Emilio had a bit part in his daughters film There's Something About Mary" as "Jailbird." In real life, he was a foreman for an oil company. RIP Mr. Diaz.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. Thats so sad. He was young. My dad was 52 when he died. It's soooo unexpected. It changes your life when you lose a parent at a young age, you feel so cheated. Were her parents still married? We are thinking of you Cam. X0

Anonymous said...

I hope she's okay! :(

Anonymous said...

that is very sad...58 is pretty young. I hope you're ok, Cameron!

Anonymous said...

Yes her parents are still married, they were together about 40 years.

So sad when someone dies so young, i feel for her, your not prepared at all when you loose your parents when your still young. I still feel lost at times and cheated having lost my father just before my 25th b'day.

RIP Emilio