Naomi Campbell has been banned from flying with British Airways after assaulting an officer. The airline lost one of her bags..fercripessake. That gives you every right to spit on people and kick the shit out of the peasants. Naomi doesn't need a plane anyway, she can fly across the ocean on her broomstick. I've heard bad witches can do that. Figures, Naomi even has a better broom than I do. I need to become her apprentice.
She will not age gracefully I bet.
jeez, 1st Great Britain won't let Snoop IN & now they won't let Naomi fly OUT!! You'd think they'd be cool with her flying as long as it was a 1-way ticket outta there!!
yeah well, I'd hit Naomi and I'd totally love it! Mean,Stupid bitch. Good! Somebody finally stood up to her, it's about time. She can't fly so now she will go on a road rage tour! Can't wait for that!
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