And you thought Jessica couldn't act. Joke's on you, she can act dead real good. I think maybe she did die and Joe had her stuffed for the Ken Paves hair extension ads (and some necro time later.) She's less annoying dead. I don't know wtf on the Esquire cover. It's a retro statement on feminism. Uh hu, I hope her face hair grows back all coarse and black because you know she wasn't smart enough to take the blade out even though she's contractually obligated to never touch anything sharper than a jumbo crayon or Tony Romo's dink.
Ditz!!. She's a cute girl next door. The kind we all knew in HIgh School that mastered blow jobs in the parking lot but never gave it up. It's time Jessica, give it up and go away.
Great hair Jess! Good job playing a dummy too. I like Jess and you all better get used to her, she's here to stay. Besides she's not a ho or a skank and she is funny. She laughs at herself, all the way to the damn bank!
I think she laughs because everyone else is laughing. I don't think she realizes the laugh is directed at her. The best thing she could do is fire her Dad as manager and hire a professional agent. Don't know who will take her since all her movies (remakes) have flopped miserably. Finally if she wants to ascend in the movie world I think it's time to show some real skin--full frontal. I can't think of any other reason to sit through two hours of BAD acting and blond cliche jokes.
everyone acts like she's just a dumb blonde bimbo. She's soo not! Get over it. I have to say jealousy has reared it's ugly head! and full frontal nudity would be a comment that only a lez or a dude would suggest.
She sooo is. I watched her MTV show and have seen her in interviews. She's an idiot, and if she's not an idiot then she is just plain dumb. Fabricated celebrity just like lip-synch Ashlee, who made her debut in Pizza Hut commercials as her sister's sidekick. Full frontal is the only reason why I'd go see the movie; she can't act.
Duuuh.. Feminism wasn't about trying to become men. Obviously they couldn't get a thinking woman to pose for that cover.
anon 12:46: yes she can...she's acting dumb just like Goldie Hawn in the early days,& it's making her rich! Granted, she's no Goldie and won't last that long or ever get an Oscar, but she is good at what she does I 'spose. Acting dumb & selling stuff.
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