Friday, April 11, 2008

Denise Richards shares her secrets

"I’m actually more relaxed about my diet since having my kids. I’ll never talk about weight around them. And they’ll never hear me say, ‘Mommy’s feeling fat today.’ That kind of attitude just makes young girls grow up to be dissatisfied with their bodies,” she says.
Hmmmm, funny, I'm hearing "Mommy feels like a big ho today, let's go bust some balls. You girls go put your bikini's on and practice saying 'bad man touched me!'."


Anonymous said...

I hate her so much. First time I saw her was in Starship Troopers - and I hated her. Her constant smiling, her assholeness. Everything. I so wished she would die a horrible death. I wanted to bind her with spread legs on an fire ant nest. I wante her to suffer.

And all this years, this didn't change. All the times whenever I saw something with/about her, it made me feeling this old hatred. Why can't this bitch just shut up, go away and die? I thought.

Sharon Tate was murdered - but this bitch is allowed to live.
Do you really need more proof that there is no god?

Anonymous said...

"anonymous" sounds like a real winner.

Anonymous said...

geeez anon 7:02.....angry much?

Anonymous said...

yes. I am an angerholic. Like Homer. I need my daily dosis of angerhol. And this stupid cunt makes it flow freely. I hate her.