Ker-knobby Ker-knees (I didn't even know fish had knees) Gwyneth Paltrow at Beyonce's wedding. I thought only the bride was supposed to wear white. Isn't this considered tacky and mean? I'm shocked that Bouncie didn't snatch Fishsticks baldheaded and throw her off the balcony. Speaking of snatch..Rhianna was not on any guest list I saw. Snort. Can't imagine why.
WTH? Fishsticks? EW! Whats that mean? & Gwyneth is way too old to wear that short dress and yes, white is not appropriate to wear to a wedding. Its considered trying to steal the brides thunder. And Bouncie makes some thunder! I'm sayin' !! I like Gwyneth alot tho. Don't like Bouncie or Jay-Z tho. Why is she there?
I read somewhere that they requested all their guests wear ivory. Tacky.
After all of Bouncie's fashion boo-boos thru the years , she was afraid of her wedding not looking pretty if the guests didn't dress right? Is she kidding? Dayum, since when is she a fashion-ista!??? Her clothing line is ugly and is only in "black" stores too. IT IS!!!! Don't give me that "black" crap...I didn't make that decision, "House Of Derion" did!!
Gwyneths shoes look wrong...too heavy & dark. Not right.
i think she looks adorable. she looks young and fresh.
all guest were suppose to wear ivory. If you saw kelly and michelle or solange they all had on ivory
I think Gwen is very classic & beautiful. I can see why her & Brad didn't make it!
Oh Well! Chris Martin is the REAL DEAL! If you ever get a chance to see him in concert, you'll know why ;)
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