Friday, April 11, 2008

Gwyneth Paltrow is now a doctor

She can diagnose Britney, check it out. Paltrow says: “Look at what they’ve done to Britney. The paparazzi and magazines have blood on their hands. They literally made her go insane. She’s got classic Stockholm syndrome - she fell in love with a paparazzo and went insane. The photographers and editors of these magazines have such bad karma. It’s pretty dark.”
I have to go wash the blood off my hands now. Because Gwyenth knows everything. She's so smart and not crazy at all.


Anonymous said...

her hair looks great here! She never fixes her hair! She looks good. Don't forget she's a chef now too. Oh well, her mom is in the Post Cereal family and she has never had to stress about not being a jillioniare! I love her mom tho. Gwyneth is OK, it's TGIF so she gets a free pass from me today. I like her, sorta...

J said...

I think Brit went insane before she started dating the paparazzo.