Friday, April 4, 2008

How the fuck long does this have to go on???

Malawi's government has recommended that its High Court formally approve Madonna's adoption of little David Banda. It's almost done. Almost.
For cripes sake, she's his mother. When will the paperwork be final, when he's in college?? Malawi doesn't want anyone who's not Malawian to adopt their orphans. No one will ever adopt from this stupid backwards ridiculous country (republic?) again after this. Their orphans will die of starvation, disease and poverty, but, by golly they will die in Malawi. Idiots!
Can you tell I'm pissed? They seriously piss me off. David Banda must be the only person born there who is not retarded.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, national pride/vanity often comes in the way of the needy receiving help, whatever the source of it. Poor people really do not have countries, they are poor wherever they are. Seems analogous to the Bush administration refusing help from a number of nations (including very poor ones) in the wake of the Katrina disaster and yet failing to provide adequate relief to the victims.

Anonymous said...

It seems to be a little too far gone, honestly, if they decided against the adoption would little David Banda have to go back to living in a mud hut, without his designer digs, with no health care and eat that mixture of corn and rice that the UN drops off. I think at this point it would be more of an atrocity to return him to Malawi than it would be to leave him with Madonna (regardless of how it all started).

Anonymous said...

Seems analgous that anyone would criticize the US for failing to help and provide aid. Katrina's lack of response initiated at the State level, not Federal ANd most people that received aid from Fema went and missused it. That's why Gov. Blanco didnt run for office again. How about Tsunami relief or the landslides in Asia. US helped all of those Muslim countries without a single peep from other muslim countries. Malawians are proud familiar tribal people forced to live in family groups like bushmen. The tribal groups fare much better because they occupy the best lands. Even during the aid concert in Africa the promoters asked people to stop bashing America because we are the only ones that do anything about empowering poor nations. Where is the UN in all this?. Koffi Annan has a special place in Hell reserved for him for turning his back on his continent so he could lne his pockets with aid goods.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Bill Cosby got run out of town after trying to tell the 9th ward to change. Grief Pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson inject themselves into any opportunity to flame the racist issue and make their money. Where was Al when th New York Boys and Girls club was robbed of half a million by Air America?.

Anonymous said...

I don't care about this, not one bit. Eff Madonna.

Anonymous said...

"Katrina's lack of response initiated at the State level, not Federal ANd most people that received aid from Fema went and missused it."

I don't know where you got that bit of info but it sure is news to me. According to it, the FEMA chief would have been sacked for no reason at all. Still, I will go research your version of the truth. Meanwhile, you might want to google the following phrase (the wikipedia url is not being accommodated by Blogger)-

International response to Hurricane Katrina

Choose the Wiki entry, it has a list of countries who stood beside the US after Katrina struck. It also shows how only 4.7 % (according to Washington Post)of the international aid offered was collected by the fed govt (click Actual Funds Used link at the end of the countries list).

This isn't abut criticizing one country over another. You seem to have taken personal umbrage at my input, which you have misinterpreted. This is about State vanity (which is often a product of the super-rich people, who are usually at the helm of affairs) coming in the way of helping the poor. Be it in the US or at Malawi, they are the most affected. And there are many indices of backwardedness. While having a country's children easily adopted by foreigners could be thought of as one, technical prowess and gross material wealth of a country doesn't autmatically mean that the country is civilized or 'forward'.

Anonymous said...

The fact that you base any info on wilkipedia makes any statement highly suspect. Try for a unbiased view.
What would the US be doing receiving aid. That was never the problem because aid was available here, just not able to reach places deep in the flood. The State Govt. didn't use the buses to evacuate people or provide adequate shelter at the Dome. The cops left and the Gov was napping. When the electricity goes out in your house, do you blame the Energy Dept?.

Anonymous said...

"Pride goeth before a fall"

Anonymous said...

You keep shifting the accountability to the State Government. But it matters little to the outside world if it was the State or the US Federal governnment who were responsible for inadequate handling of the Katrina affair. That is a local issue as far as the world is concerned. Even then, the fact that the FEMA chief was sacked, inspite of being publicly commended by the US President for his role in managing the disaster, apportions accountability to the federal agency. But that's a different issue altogether. The fact is that the international community generously contributed to the disaster relief, including some of the poorest nations in the world, and only a fraction of that fund was used by the US. Now, according to you, this help was superflous, the US did not need the help since adequate disaster relief was available locally (means within the US). Whether that is true or not is an open-ended question, and neither wiki nor some other website alone can answer it - and can only be used as pointers to the larger truth, which is why I also suggested google. Disaster management is a long term affair and doesnt end within a few weeks of the calamity. There are issues of long term rehabilitation and prevention. It is only the people who have been actual victims of the disaster, who can ultimately decide whether, having lost their home and property, the help offered them by the administration is enough or not. It is the State deciding for them, that they have had enough and hence there is no need for outside help, is what's contentious.

Anonymous said...

That's why buses swamped and trailers went unused and fema cards were fraudently used. People need to be held accountable for thier own actions, the nanny state is not the answer--welfare begets welfare. The only way to get ahead is to want to get ahead and not make waiting for the postman every month to make your sustenance. Even a McJob is a rung on the corporate ladder and a way out of depending on government. The international community can suck it. I dont see people drowning and jumping borders to make a living in their countries. Fact is that corruption and bureaucracy stink and we need less of it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dorks! We are talking about Maddonna adopting a child from a third world country. You have turned it into a political debate in the USA. Get over your selfs. She is in England not the USA. Katrina has nothing to do with it. Dumbasses

Anonymous said...


a) the UN is almost bancrupt because the USA doesn't pay its fees.

b) compared to the help delivered by other countries the funds given by the USA after the tsunami were really - embarrasing. It is hard to find a country which gave less of its GNP.
The great 'christian' country USA ....

c) your country really fucked up before, while and after Katrina. Help was offered, your big heads declines. Well done, sir!

Anonymous said...

howcome the NAACP isnt throwing a fit about all these celebrities adopting "poor little 3rd world country black kids" makes the blacks look like they cant take care of their'd think..
you dont see black celebrities adopting "poor little 3rd world white kids" now do ya?

Anonymous said...

anon 330 am

The US pays more than anyone in the UN, not only are dues not collected, there are astronomical figures owed to the US in rent alone. You really have your "facts" in a mess. Look at the remodeling budget for the UN. Look at the fiascos worldwide that the UN is involved in. I didnt see any other countries giving relief after the tsunami. The US bore the brunt of it all as usual. How come the richest countries in the world (Arab states) have the least amount of freedom?. The UN almost bankrupt? The US doesnt pay dues? What help are you taling about that was offered?. You truly are not fenced in by facts. Wilkipedia is not a reliable source.

Anonymous said...

When the UN becomes financially accountable and the US doesnt have to pay 27% of total budget.

Anonymous said...

Bush refused to accept aide from other countries after katrina. People sat on roof tops for a week when british and canadian troops (others as well) were cued and experienced at such exractions.

Dont bother to tell me im wrong when i know for a fact family at local bases got ready for rescue deployment and never got off the ground because bush refused to allow non americans to help, "they had it under control" such garbage!

Bush didnt want to appear weak or in need. It was about human lives midst a disaster. The president is an ass and the people of katrina paid for his short sightedness in the way he misshandled things after the fact.

this anon has it right

"Pride goeth before a fall"

April 4, 2008 12:26:00 PM PDT

Face it both state and federal offices are 'at fault'.

But anon 6:42 makes a good point, you dont see many black celebs (if any)adopting 3rd world children. Yet are the first to scream at their own perceived injustices and needs.

That whole law about malawi's cant be adopted by non malawi's is short sighted to say the least. But i bet they wouldnt turn down the money that went into adopting david would they. Who cares what the childs long term chances are, who cares about his day to day living experience, or stays in poverty , so long as hes on malawi soil. Retarded!

Allow little david to get on living with the family who WANTS him. Im sure when he gets older he will travel back there and get intouch with his so called roots.

Such a ruckus over uncessary things @ political redtape.

Anonymous said...

anon 7:07

you really don't know what you are talking about.

There has been a lot of noise in the past 15 years because of the US not paying its fees. That simple. Just google.

And about the tsunami relief, just google again. If wp is not reliable enough for you, how about reading all the links at the end of the wp article?

Oh wait, this will only show, that the USA was one of the slowest givers - and one of the countries giving the least compared to its GNP.

UAE gave less in absolut numbers, but more by % of GDP.

And if you go by per capita, the USA were just disgracefull.

You don't trust wikipedia? Fine! There are tons of links. Just look for yourself.

But stuff your self rightfullness, you little non-knowing freak.

Anonymous said...

Why on earth would the NAACP care what Madonna does in england with an African baby? I don't care about Madonna period. Sh's an arrogant ass.