Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I don't have a problem with Pink

I like Pink..there are just some things I will never understand. (Bangs head on desk.) They look like tumors.


Anonymous said...

I like her too. But those stupid tats make her legs look bigger & not attractive. She has a good body tho. But Carey Hart owns Hart & Huntington Tatoo Parlor in The Palms in Las Vegas, he's covered with tats and of course she would be too. At least they are bows and skulls or something. I wish they were still t'gthr. I don't like her leg tats at all. Not flattering.

Anonymous said...

*not* skulls...dammit!!!

Anonymous said...

Better the back-end bows than that hideous DRAGON draped down her left thigh.

Anonymous said...

They're probably "cute" up close. Ahem.

Anonymous said...

i think the tattoos are hot. if i could i would untie them. the thing is...it is mostly hidden when she wears clothing!! therfore only to show when she takes it off. that is sexy.. she's got better legs and body than anybody in the industry!!!