Monday, April 14, 2008

I don't know what to title this post..

Paula Abdul steals Donald Trumps comb over...or Paula Abdul wants a baby? Paula says she's going to get her a baby in the next few years. She just broke up with her boy friend but says: "I do want children. I'll probably adopt because I think it'll be in the next three to five years. I wouldn't necessarily adopt from abroad like some celebs. I just want a healthy baby."
Gawd! No one will give Abdul a baby, will they? That's nuts, she can't even take care of her mutts and she has to be told when to eat and what to wear. If she loses a shoe, she comes unglued and has to call a doctor. Why doesn't someone just toss a baby into a tornado with a bunch of pill bottles and yell "Survive that, you silly baby!" It makes more sense than Abdul as a mom.


Anonymous said...

paula will make a great mother. she is a very nice and generous person.

Anonymous said...

why would she care? She won't be the one caring for it anyway. It would be fine, she'd rarely even see it!!

Anonymous said...

It looks like a tarantula died on her head.

Anonymous said...

she looks like casey kasam here...

Anonymous said...

anon @ 8:49 said- "paula will make a great mother. she is a very nice and generous person...."

True, true.
I suppose she could always get her drug addiction under control before the kid arrives, right?
(rolls eyes)