Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Image In Hospital Brings Some To Tears

ORLANDO, Fla. -- An unexplained image in a hospital prayer garden window moved some people to tears and drew groups of people to a hallway before vanishing, according to witnesses.
It's obviously a savior. I'm just sayin'..


Anonymous said...

Wow! That's pretty cool. And definitely more realistic than "Cheesus"...did you see that? A Cheeto that looked like Jesus? It looked like a damn Cheeto to me!

Dirty Disher said...

I bought it on eBay! It's in my cheese related foods and saviors collection.

Anonymous said...

Funny how somebody is always around to photograph this sh** everytime it happens. Even when it's just for a second! This is sooo shopped.

Anonymous said...

Thats Justin Bobby's new modeling campaign ad up on that thing.

Anonymous said...

there are billions of windows and glass doors. More than human beings. So it is just a matter or statistics that sometimes some light effects create the illusion of some face.

Anonymous said...

Read the Lawsuit that Dustin Hoffman lost against ABC television.