Monday, April 7, 2008

Jade Marie De Laurenttis Thompson...

That's the name of Giada De Laurentiis's new baby girl. Someone wrote and asked me to find a photo of the wasn't as easy as I thought, but, there she is. Cute, huu?


Anonymous said...

I like some of her cooking shows. She is obviously a driven person since she chose to not go into the family business. INstead she attended Cordon Bleu School in Paris without speaking French. I am sure that's not what she looked like after giving birth!!.

Anonymous said...

I love the pic. Who has the right to look that good in the delivery room? Still in her hospital get-up? My face was always swollen and puffy from pushing. I looked like a balloon head. No pics of me appeared in public, trust me!!

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU DD!! what a beautiful baby.i knew u would come through for me. your the best!

Anonymous said...

To plug my friend Taylor's site, you can check out pretty much every baby bump and baby photo related to anyone remotely famous at Giada freaks me out. I mean, I like her, I've used her recipes before and she's not super-annoying, but her body is SO small and her head is SO big! I'm always afraid that it's just going to roll off her neck and into a pot of boiling ravioli.

Anonymous said...

She had a C-section, so she wouldn't look all "puffy" & worn out as if she had had a vaginal birth

Anonymous said...

The above comment is true -- she had a c section -- so no wonder she looks so good in the picture -- she had a date and time set and came in all ready - all she had to do was lay there -- no pushing -- no "giving birth"! Anyone under those circumstances could look great!