Monday, April 14, 2008

Jamie Lynn took her fetus to a party and got beat up

Jamie Lynn Spears and her baby daddy, Casey Aldridge went to a party and he got into a fight after some heavy drinking. Jamie Lynn tried to break it up and was hit hard in the face by the other guys elbow.
Sources at the party: “Jamie Lynn decided she could break it up, but got elbowed hard in the mouth by one of the boys,” says an eyewitness. “She went crazy, screaming at everyone….crying, screaming, and covering her mouth.”
“Casey was so drunk, he just kept trying to hush her up.”
Oh, way to go! Make that kid tough! Give it a bong hit too, in case it's bruised. By Gawd, that there is parentin'! And people were worried she was too young. Pffft. Silly people!


Anonymous said...

what a wonderful life jamie lynn is gonna have!

Anonymous said...

Regular Saturday night fights at the Spears house! Where is JL gonna live with this child? With Casey? In a double wide, deluxe model? Does she own a nice house of her own? Surely. He cannot provide for her or a child. She better rethink marrying that boy, huge mistake!!! Maybe someday, but not right now. Why the rush? Nobody cares nowdays. He's still a kid and so is she, they have to work that out of their systems. And go to college and all that yet.

Anonymous said...

She's following in her sister's snail trail.....


Anonymous said...

when the baby is born, she will probably use the baby in the stroller to try to break up fights. what a mom!

Anonymous said...

Spay/Neuter and stop the suffering!

Anonymous said...

What should we expect? She's a teenager. That's what teenagers DO when left on their own for weeks at a time. (Nevermind that she's preggers. She's utterly clueless as to what that entails)

Mom & Pop Spears are out here in LaLaLand "looking after their investments". Translation: Taking care of BRITNEY.
Oh, dintcha' hear? She's ridin' that crazy train again... BIGtime.

So, poor little barefoot 'n preggo Jamie Lynn has been running amok 2000 miles from her parents and doing what comes naturally. Nevermind that she's underage and Britter's is an adult.

It's good to see that Mom/Pop Spears have their priorities in order-- as usual.

Anonymous said...

Big Surprise, Losers and reproduction, that poor child.