Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Kate Hudson says more weird things

"I'm a mom and that's my first priority," said Hudson. "I can't wait to have more. I'm at that place when I'm ready to have another one and Chris and I are not together. I'm like, 'Oh no! Uh-oh! I'm ready.''
WTF does Chris Robinson have to do with her having more kids if they're divorced? That fucked with my head. Unless she plans on Chris fathering all her children so they can match. And why does her kid have to wear a helmet to walk down the street? I'm starting to think she's loopy.


Anonymous said...

You know kids like to do things we don't quite get, like wearing their helmets after they're off their bikes, no big deal.

Maybe Kate"s smart enough to know that just because she feels like having a child, she shouldn't use her next short term monogamous relationship to produce a half-sib for her son. Thinking ahead to the consequences - wow I give her a lot of credit for that. It also makes sense that she would want to have all her kids with one good father like Chris.

Anonymous said...

then why the hell did she get a divorce from her husband. Every other week I see Kate with a new or old guy her ex husband or Owen Wilson so yeah I see she puts her kid first. @@

Anonymous said...

i wondered the same thing with the helmet....

Anonymous said...

I get the helmet...my oldest grandson is 5, and he's been wearing a spiderman costume, with or without mask depending on his mood, the last 3 years. You have to pick your battles! =)

Anonymous said...

How glam.

Anonymous said...

he's a cute little boy thats just being a kid and thank gawd she lets him! I understand her not wanting a bunch of kids from different men. She's saying she is a monogomous person but it didn't work out and she did want her family with Chris, sadly it probably won't happen again. I hope she has another baby if she wants one. At least she's not running off to Africa like everybody else to snatch up a kid, and then preach to everybody about it! Kate's OK in my book. She just wants a regular family. Not a big deal!