Friday, April 18, 2008

Lindsay's mad at her dad again

Michael Lohan who's only claim to fame is some sperm he dropped decades ago is in the dog house with his daughter again. He won't shut up about her and his latest revelation was that Linds was going to be a missionary and travel with him to India to help AIDS orphans.
I laughed when I heard that one, but, his daughter had her friends speak out..
"Lindsay was never going to do anything he said she was, like going to India," a friend told the NY Post. "He's gone crazy again."
Michael got so upset that HE called the NY Daily News himself and said.."If Lindsay would just listen to me and follow my guidance, like she did when her life was on the right path, and before the people you see now that are in her life, I guarantee that her life would straighten out and she'd be back to being the gifted actress everyone knew and loved."
She used to be a gifted actress? When was that? Anyhow, good luck with the missionary work, fruitcake. Don't we all know by now that Michael Lohan is the path to enlightenment? The Blow is busy living with Sam Ronson, going to clubs and hanging with "street" people. Which is how it should be. When The Blow is sober, the world gets all tilty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's not aging well at all, and he needs to saty off the limelight.