Friday, April 18, 2008

The marriage has to be real

Beyonce and Jay-Z are fighting in public already. The DJ at the Hollywood Bowl decided to play their song, "Crazy in Love." Jay screamed at Bouncie, “Fuck that. Sorry Bey but fuck that - let’s play something else.”
Bouncie stomped off but came back and confronted him making a big scene. Then they made up and sucked some face.
In other news..some experts are saying the Beyonce wedding didn't make the rags as much as some other celebs would have because they're black and black covers don't sell. I say it's because it's Bouncie and she' boring. I'm just waiting for her to trip and see how many of those bananas will fit up her fat ass crack. Shut up..I know I'm not the only one thinking that.


Anonymous said...

Bananas!!!! Exactly!!! Thats an old pic, right? But yeah, they probably shopped the wedding pics and we won't see them until they are published. But it's been a week already, we'd have already seen them. Nobody really cares about these people, black, white or green. It's just a nothing story to us. Neither of them really has a public career right now. Now, one of them needs to get a DUI or get arrested or go to rehab then we'd watch the mess!!

Anonymous said...

She just wants to be Josephine Baker real bad.

Anonymous said...

Talk about an unappealing photo...


Anonymous said...

More whining about the Race Card, ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz, yawn.

These two haven't even admited they were married. Also, they wouldn't let anyone take pics. Beyawnce needs to STFU! already! Both need to retire & go away.

Anonymous said...

more uninteresting comments trying to be controversial....ZZZZZZZzzzzzzz, yawn, who cares