Wednesday, April 9, 2008

New naked Heather Mills pic

They're for some land mine charity thing even though she didn't lose her leg to a land mine and she lost it below the knee, so I don't know what this contraption is. She put a purse in front of her snatch because that snatch got her some purse. There were more pics, but, I'll spare us all. I'd cut off my own damn leg if I never had to see her mean mug again. Ugly whore!


Anonymous said...

That is a good looking prosthetic leg. In Afghanistan markets one can purchase a variety of appendages and even get them customized on the spot. Riflesmiths can copy pretty much anything you bringthem using archaic tools. Landmines left behind after the Russian invasion are still crippling people there. She should try posing like that at the Mazar-al-Shariff mosque and see how well received she is. Beatle like reception.

Anonymous said...

I think that she just likes the attention and probably gets fan mail from like-minded bloodsuckers. She never misses a chance to be controversial. If she really cared about the cause she could easily chuck a few quid for the cause. Instead she'll pose nude for yet another chance to get noticed. I have seen her naked so many times that I just turn the page as if I was reading an ad.

Anonymous said...

everyone see her naked the pegleg is fetish

Anonymous said...

she chopped off her hair too? We all know we hate her and now Paul can never, ever criticize Yoko again! She was never like that with John, even when they were apart. I know he doesn't say sh** about Yoko publicly but it's a well known fact that he dislikes her. And Yoko & Linda were close friends until Linda died! Say what he will about Yoko, but she's not a bitch and he knows Heather is the ex from hell! So, Paul, don't say anything unkind about Yoko OK? Cuz you got no room to talk!

Anonymous said...

fug shoe(s?)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:17...fug shoes? Maybe. More like fug body.


Anonymous said...

I dont know about fug body. She obviously stayed in shape chasing down rich guys to entrap. And now she stays toned by counting her money and harrasing Paul.

Anonymous said...

Dish, whyrya torturing us with pix of that HO-BAG?

Unknown said...

Just what I needed before dinner. Thanks a lot.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:11 is gross as it sounds there is an entire fetish genre/scene surrounding amputations as well as motor vehicle accidents and crash scene photography.

***shivers*** icky as it seems...

Anonymous said...

I would love to see more pictures of her.

Heather ripped apart by a shark.

Heather eaten by a pack of lions (would make a great film).

Heather roasting on a spit (could be a documentary about cannibals).

Heather crushed by a tank.